But the Lord out of his goodness and mercy, pulled me out of the trenches and revealed to me the marvelous destiny that He has set before me. He raised me up and called me His son. He captivated my heart. He stripped everything away from me so that my heart could love Him. There’s not enough room in my heart for me to Love anything else. He is:
Marvelous Beautiful Wonderful Loving Caring Compassionate Jealous Sweet Tender Merciful Lovely Just Fatherly Motherly My Defender My Fortress My First Love My Dad My Mom My All Sufficient Enough Satisfying Delightful Faithful True Holy Majestic Infinite Awesome Powerful Mighty Passionate Funny Joyful Life…
I could go on and on about Him. He’s my delight. Abba Father. Precious Abba. Beautiful Savior. These are the things that my heart say’s tonight